Join Us For A Private Film Screening, Interactive Panel Discussion, and A Free Mental Health & Wellness Fair As We Confront The Stigma of Mental Illness on Black & Brown Men!

This highly anticipated, FREE community event, I am so excited to be co-hosting with @roxiedigital!

An interactive mental health panel discussion with Dr. Yusef Salaam @dr.yusefsalaam (Member of New York City Council & The Exonerated Five), Chris V. Rey, J.D. @president_rey (International President of Phi Beta Sigma, Fraternity, Inc.), and Arron Muller, LCSW@theblack_therapist

A mental health and wellness resource fair with over 15 community-based businesses and organizations that offer free and affordable treatment and wellness options….

Food, soft drinks and much more!

While this a free community event, it is also a red carpet event. We encourage everyone to dress to impress 😎
Register today while free tickets still available at or simply click link in bio. Tickets are going fast!

FOLLOW @Bilalworldentertainment and @Realmuhammadbilal for updates!